Designer & Developer
Vice President
Coding enthusiast.
Technical Team Member
Bug creator 🐛 & Aspiring couch potato
Technical Team Member
Pixel poet painting with logic and pixels 🎨
CP head
Events Team Member
Tech Enthusiast
Events Team Member
Go-Getter Embracing the Power of Technologies.
Technical Team Member
savvy individual with a passion for coding and event management.
Technical Team Member
Technical Team Member
Technical Team Member
Developer , Nft's Enthusiast
Technical Team Member
Curious developer, exploring and learning.
CP team Member
I may not be a master chef , but I can cook some mean code when I am hungry
CP team Member
Avid Programmer
CP team Member
Tech Enthusiast, Programmer, Problem Solver
I am a coding enthusiastic currently pursuing by btech in IT from MREC and The President of Codechef MREC Chapter, I am good at handling opportunities and intrested towards Data science.
Vice President
I code when I'm hungry.
General Secretary
Zeal for programming. Adherent. Perseverant.
Event Lead
I'm a coder and an enthusiastic learner, currently pursuing my B. Tech in EEE from MREC and I am Event Lead at CodeChef MREC Chapter.
Event and Internal Affairs
I'm currently working on being proficient in webdev and delving into new technologies
Technical Lead
Technical Lead at CodeChef MREC Chapter, Web Dev, DevOps, AWS/GCP, Data Science.
Technical Vice President
Passionate about taking new challenges and learning new skills, love to be productive, exchanging ideas, spreading knowledge, And finding coding enthusiasts.
CP Lead
I'm a coding enthusiastic, currently pursuing my B. Tech in MREC
CP In-charge
I am passionate about problem solving and implementing my ideas through coding.
Problem Setter and Tester
I am currently pursuing by btech in CSE from MREC and I am Problem setter and tester in Codechef MREC Chapter , I am good at Creating new and interesting questions, finding solutions for them through coding and Intrested in learning new things
Editorial Lead
Passionate and highly motivated about programming.
Design Head
Thirumalesh is a UI/UX Designer with a technical background. Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. His good communication & presentation skills, make him a team player. He always strives to craft thoughtful experiences with simple, elegant and minimalistic interfaces. Loves reading, sketching, long walks and is continuously exploring. Say hello to him at
Marketing Head
I'm pursuing by B-Tech in CSE from MREC, I am good at Organising Events and Intrested in learning new things
PR Lead
Second year CSE student. Coding enthusiast.
Graphical Designer
Designing and Building.
Top 3 Participates will get goodies from Newton School
One or more students can be recruited for CodeChef
No Plagiarism
ContestOnline Event
Coming Soon
10:00 am - 01:00 pm
Major Auditorium
Git 101 a complete beginner level training of the Git and GitHub
10:00 am - 01:00 pm
Major Auditorium
Git 101 a complete beginner level training of the Git and GitHub
17:00 pm - 19:00 pm
Coding contest containing strings for Sophomore & Junior's
17:00 pm - 19:00 pm
Coding Contest containing arrays for Sophomore & Junior's
14:00 pm - 16:00 pm
17:00 pm - 19:00 pm
A Beginner Friendly Coding Contest for Sophomore & Junior's
14:00 pm - 16:00 pm
17:00 pm - 19:00 pm
For Sophomore & Junior's
13:00 pm - 16:00 pm
Major Auditorium
closing remarks by the team